RAG – Raise And Give at TeenStreet 2023

RAG is the fundraiser at TeenStreet. Before and during each TeenStreet we raise funds to support a good cause that has a positive impact on youth in Europe and beyond. 

This year will will support these projects: 

REACH: East Asia - Equipping for the Nations

We want to start a Reach program in Taiwan in September 2023, this will be a 5 months training twice a year, for people from different nationalities who have a heart for sharing God's love and for God's mission work to reach the nations, especially the Chinese speaking world.

We would like to walk a journey with the participants by giving discipleship training and practical skills for them to be confident and willing to take action to share the gospel in a culturally sensitive manner. Growing physically, spiritually and emotionally while discovering Gods calling in their lives.

Teens in South and West-Asia 

Approximately 40% of the 1 billion people in South and West-Asia are under the age of 20. It is urgent that there is a concerted effort made to help these young people in West, South and Central Asia learn to reach their peers with the gospel.

With the RAG money, we will start a new TeenStreet in South and West-Asia and through TeenStreet the gospel will reach out to the young generation in South and West-Asia.

Supporting Teens around the World 

Throughout the years we have seen how TeenStreet has impacted teens in Europe, and how they have been impacting their environment and beyond. We also want to see teens in other parts of the world grow in their personal relationship with Jesus, to have a spiritual impact and to reach out with the love of Jesus in their own country. We believe this is possible through TeenStreet and we dream of growing and starting new TeenStreet around the world, so that teens in these countries really can make a difference. 

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My Sponsors

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My Sponsoring

This website allows you to enter and keep track of who you are sponsoring for the RAG race at TeenStreet.

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